Medical Evidence for Appointments    

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Medical Evidence for Appointments      

All children need to see a doctor, dentist, optician or specialist from time to time.  When possible, we ask that you make these appointments after school or during the holidays.  If this is not possible – you may need to take your child out of school, or arrive later than usual, to attend.

In such cases you can ensure that your child gets their registration mark that shows they are absent for authorised medical reasons.  Such a mark means they won’t miss out on rewards and certificates that are given at the end of each term.

Please complete the ‘Medical Appointments’ form available from the school’s reception or downloaded from the website.  You will be asked to provide evidence of the appointment be that a letter, card or text message.

Children returning to school after their appointment may even be eligible for their full attendance mark depending on the return time.

Please feel free to seek advice regarding any appointment with the Reception Team or the Education Welfare Officer.

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