Well what a week it’s been at PCA during Book Week!

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This week in school, everyone has been going book crazy to celebrate Book Week!
Over the week, we have completed many fun activities linked to the author or a particular book by that author.
On Thursday, the children were able to come to school dressed up as their favorite character. And let’s not forget our Teachers.

Here is what each year group got up to! 

Reception: This week we continued our examination of “The Hobbit.” On Monday, we looked at using the world of Middle Earth to look at scales in maps and using compass points to help Bilbo and the company reach their destination.

On Tuesday, we looked at writing riddles to save us from the spooky ‘Gollum’ Bilbo met in the Goblin caves. After that, we looked at a script written for “The Hobbit,” and started acting out using the stage directions inside.

This continued on Wednesday, and the children started to introduce props in order to help them further. Lots of children took part in practising at lunch time too; several new Ian McKellans may have been created!

Thursday we looked at a mystery maths lesson, trying to solve who won the World Book day costume award. We also looked into the Book Fair, and wrote a book review of our favourite stories, in an effort to recommend books to other people!

All KS1 started the week off with an assembly where children were invited to bring their favourite books from home.  Some children were then asked to share what they enjoyed about them and why it was their favourite book.

Year 1 started off Book Week by completing a ‘scavenger hunt’ in the school’s library. We then read ‘Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum’ which is a story with a twist about the ‘big bad wolf’. The children enjoyed completing a book review about this story and designing a new front cover for the book. On Thursday the children dressed up as their favourite characters and all looked fantastic! They were excited to talk to their friends about their chosen book character. We finished off the week by inviting year 4 children to come to our classrooms for a shared read of our favourite stories.

Year 2 then took part in a range of activities throughout the week such as creating masks and bookmarks linked to their favourite books, we created new front covers of books, character selfie pictures, a fun team quiz linked to books, a scavenger hunt where we had to find characters and pictures within books and finally we dressed up as our favourite characters and then met with children from Year 3 to share our favourite books and stories with each other. What a busy week it’s been!!

Year 3: In 3SI the children have enjoyed completing many character activities in their own world book day booklets. We have practised a world book day song, made bookmarks to keep for use in guided reading and had a fun afternoon creating book character selfies! We all enjoyed dressing up for World book day in our favourite character outfits!

3GC have created a character profile of their favourite character, drawn a new book cover for their book based upon what they have read, wrote questions to ask the author of the book and created a word search based upon characters and themes in their story for a peer to complete. Thursday we will be going into Year 2 for a shared read.

Year 4: This week we continued our examination of “The Hobbit.” On Monday, we looked at using the world of Middle Earth to look at scales in maps and using compass points to help Bilbo and the company reach their destination.

On Tuesday, we looked at writing riddles to save us from the spooky ‘Gollum’ Bilbo met in the Goblin caves. After that, we looked at a script written for “The Hobbit,” and started acting out using the stage directions inside.

This continued on Wednesday, and the children started to introduce props in order to help them further. Lots of children took part in practising at lunch time too; several new Ian McKellans may have been created!

Thursday we looked at a mystery maths lesson, trying to solve who won the World Book day costume award. We also looked into the Book Fair, and wrote a book review of our favourite stories, in an effort to recommend books to other people!

Year 5 have been very busy for world book week doing some computer research of their favourite author, writing a book review of their favourite book, designed characters and book covers and interviewed another pupil about their book. They’ve also shared reading with reception children. They also created dream jars inspired by the BFG whilst listening to the audio of the book. They have been reading David Walliams The World’s Worst Children as their class book, and even had time throughout the day to enjoy reading their chosen book.

Year 6 began the week, thinking about their favourite books. They then wrote book reviews to make recommendations to others in the class. Tuesday saw Year 6 buddy up with the Nursery children. They chose a book from our book fair to read aloud to them. All of the children really enjoyed this session.  It was nice to see our youngest children working well with our eldest children in school. Year 6 began designing our wooden spoon, book characters on Wednesday, thinking about what materials we would need to transform our wooden spoons into a popular book character.Thursday, saw Yr. 6, actually make the spoons, and what an incredible job they did of them. They looked so realistic.

All parents are invited into school tomorrow at 2.30pm to watch a presentation of all of the activities your children have taken part in over Book Week. Books will be given out to those who attend.  You’ll also be able to view all of the photos taken throughout the week in Assembly. But for now we’ve just added a few here (more will be added).

World Book Day Pictures of some of the Staff:

Here are just a few photos but there are lots more photos to be seen in Assembly tomorrow.


More photos to be added

Thank you to all of those who sent theirs into school.

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