100% Attendance Winners for Spring Term

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A huge congratulations to 100% attendance winners for spring term. Each child was awarded with a certificate and 100% pin to wear with pride.

Don’t forget if you have just missed out this time try to attend everyday next half term!

‘Prize Draw Winner Delighted’ (Picture to follow)

After much anticipation, Ava Meaney was the first lucky winner of Partington Central Academy’s family-day-out attendance prize. Every student who achieved 97% attendance or more in the term, was entered into the prize draw. Ava’s family were over the moon on hearing the news that they had won. They want some time to think about their choice for their day out later this year but are delighted that the school will be buying their entrance tickets. Partington Central Academy is aiming for even better attendance next term and the family prize draw will be repeated, meaning another family will have a similar opportunity in just a few weeks.
Miss Anita Edwards, the school’s Executive Head teacher said, “I’m delighted for Amy and her family and hope they have a really enjoyable day trip once they have chosen where they want to go”.

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