Winter Bugs

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As winter approaches, we all become more vulnerable to colds, coughs and sore throats.

Children don’t have to miss school because of these minor illnesses. In school they are safe, warm and supervised. We are even able to give them their medication if you fill in a form to help manage these minor conditions. We will always call you if your child’s condition worsens or they need to be at home. Please help your child to avoid spreading or catching germs by using paper tissues disposed of properly in a bin or flushed in a toilet. Frequent handwashing is vital using hot water and soap to avoid picking up the bacteria and viruses that surround us in even the cleanest environment.

If you do need to keep your child off school – please inform us on the first and any subsequent days by 9am by speaking to the office or leaving a message on the answerphone.

Our safeguarding rules mean that we need to check that every child is safe. If a child is missing school and we have not been informed – you are likely to get a home visit from the Education Welfare Officer to make sure that all is OK.

Please telephone us on 0161 775 2937.

Thank you.

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