Pupil Premium

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The Pupil Premium Grant; narrowing the gaps

The Pupil Premium is grant funding and is in addition to the School’s Delegated Budget. It is allocated to children from low-income families, children who are in local authority care, children adopted from local authority care and children with parent(s) in the Armed Forces. Pupil Premium Funding is used to raise attainment, promote social skills, independent learning and positive behaviour in order to increase pupil progress.

The Purpose of the Pupil Premium Grant

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

In most cases the Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. It is for the school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent. However, schools will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. New measures will be included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of the pupils covered by the Pupil Premium.

Pupil Premium 2016

How much funding received for the current academic year

£192,694 – forecasted income. Budget of £230,670.

Details of main barriers to education achievement that disadvantaged pupils in your school face

  • Attendance
  • Punctuality
  • Behaviour for learning
  • Attainment is low on entry to school
  • Poor communication, language and literacy skills
  • Limited speech, language and vocabulary skills
  • Limited parental involvement / support in some cases
  • Limited opportunities outside of the school setting / life experiences / enrichment opportunities

How you will spend your PP funding to address these barriers and the reasons for the approach you’ve chosen

At Partington Central Academy, we target additional support strategies to enable every student, however financially disadvantaged, to:

  • Improve their levels of progress and attainment
  • Close attainment gaps relative to school averages
  • Have full access to the curriculum
  • Access extra-curricular provision

Funding has been directed to support the following:

  • Service Level Agreement for Education Welfare Officer support (EWO)
  • Speech and Language Provision (Therapist, staff training, ELCLAN)
  • Service Level Agreement for CAMHS school based service
  • Service Level Agreement for behaviour support/outreach
  • Specialist Leader in Education support in Early Years and English
  • Educational Trips, Enrichment Opportunities, Visits and Visitors
  • Uniform & PE Kit
  • Educational Equipment and Resources
  • Rewards/Incentives
  • Staffing & Intervention programmes including booster classes
  • Assessment/Tracking system
  • Training for interventions, staff CPD

The impact of this funding has been to support and enhance our existing intervention strategies for students who would otherwise have been disadvantaged and has allowed them to experience the full range of opportunities offered.

Whole school focus on raising standards in reading, writing and mathematics, which has meant that CPD opportunities and the focus of several staff meetings has been on this vital area of development.


  • English lead teacher, along with SLE, to conduct regular monitoring of the teaching of phonics and reading in Year 1 & 2. Year 2 teachers to attend all moderation activities.
  • New guided reading procedures (introduced in summer) to be embedded and monitored by English lead.
  • Early identification of children ‘at risk’ of not making adequate progress within Y6 to meet expected standard. (‘moveable middles’)
  • Provide appropriate challenge for the most able pupils in order to increased average scaled score.
  • New reading materials and banded reading books.
  • Extensive library resources and new reading materials in class book areas.
  • Reading Recovery and Rapid Phonics programmes impacting on reading progress of children.


  • English lead teacher, along with SLE, to conduct regular monitoring of the teaching of writing in Year 1 & 2. Writing intervention to focus on children being able to write independently once the skills have been taught. Year 2 teachers to attend all moderation activities.
  • New cursive handwriting and spelling schemes (introduced in summer) to be embedded and monitored by the English leader.
  • Provide appropriate challenge for the most able pupils in order to increased average scaled score – moderation within trust schools to take place throughout the year.
  • Pobble (Writing Workshops) to enhance Able, Gifted children in their writing.


  • A review of provision within Year 1 and 2 has taken place with more formal teaching.
  • Maths lead teacher to conduct regular monitoring of the teaching of maths in Year 1 & 2. Year 2 teachers to attend all moderation activities.
  • Maths lead teacher placed in Y2. Professional development schedule planned to enhance staff subject knowledge.
  • Early identification of children ‘at risk’ of not making adequate progress within Y6 to meet expected standard. (‘moveable middles’)
  • Provide appropriate challenge for the most able pupils in order to increase average scaled score – moderation within trust schools to take place throughout the year.
  • CPD schedule underway to develop staff subject knowledge & teaching of mastery elements. Maths lead to conduct regular monitoring of maths in KS2. Y6 teachers to attend all moderation activities.
  • Children receiving Every Child Counts support in maths.

How you will measure the impact of the PP

The impact of Pupil Premium is measured by comparing the performance of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding against the performance of those who are not and against National Expectation. We also closely monitor the impact the spending has on individual children (for example, behaviour, emotional well-being, etc.). Interviews with children, discussions with teachers/professionals and case studies have been used to help with this monitoring.

Termly pupil progress meetings will take place with every class teacher, who will have completed a pupil progress document in preparation for the meeting. Progress of children across reading, writing and mathematics will be closely monitored, as will the comparison between different groups of children within school to identify key trends (e.g. pupil premium children v non-pupil premium children, boys v girls, 90%+ attendance v <90% attendance). Staff must clearly identify children who are not making sufficient progress and next steps must be identified to accelerate their progress

The date of the next PP strategy review

January 2017


In 2015-16, the Pupil Premium allocation to Partington Central Academy was £275,880 which equates to 172 pupils and was worth £1320 per pupil aggregated over the financial year.

Educational Trips, Enrichment Opportunities, Visits and Visitors

In order to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum, and ensure that it was accessible to all children, a proportion of the money was used towards special events and trips. These often incur no charges at all to our families, or where a voluntary contribution is requested, this is kept to a reasonable amount and subsidised.

The school considers that these events and trips are an important part of life experience and enhance the children’s learning.

The trips and events add to the richness of academic work through additional knowledge and understanding but also through the development of appropriate language.

The school believes that we should not differentiate between those in receipt of free school meals and those who are working (but perhaps on low incomes) for events which we want all children to participate in. These are some of the trips and visitors that were funded or subsidised:

  • Year 5 residential trip to Robinwood
  • Stockley Farm trip
  • Blackpool Zoo trip
  • Chester trip
  • WW1 day
  • Artist visits (Monet day & Lowry day)
  • Music Provision

Music plays an important role within the school and as a result of our work with the Trafford Music Service all children in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 have had the opportunity to learn and play a musical instrument every Monday for the whole academic year. Children have played in ensembles and performed regularly. It is an accepted fact that learning to play an instrument has a direct link with sequencing and special awareness and patterns in mathematics

Staffing & Intervention including booster classes

You are all aware that the school has a number of ways to support children in their learning. This can mean able children who need additional challenges, children struggling academically, those who just find one particular area or concept difficult to grasp, those who need more frequent repetition and those who have a specific learning difficulty.

These groups are assessed frequently and the groups change. Many of the Teaching Assistants have been trained to deliver certain aspects of this support, but we also employ additional teachers on a part time basis to help ensure that we can support as many children as possible in a variety of ways to meet their needs.

These groups include : speech support, added support in classrooms for guided reading and guided writing, Explore Learning sessions, Elevate Youth, maths clinics, additional book awareness sessions early literacy intervention, Toe by Toe, reading recovery, school action support, groups, handwriting, PIPs support for children with a statement, electronic reading, one to one, small group support, rapid reading and gifted and talented. These groups are those that remain fairly constant other groups may be added where necessary.

Equipment & Resources

Topics are thoroughly resourced and guided reading books are now more appropriate for our children and reading engagement and standards have improved as a result. Software and books ensure that we have better resources directly aimed at children’s needs. Class act film studio has been purchased as an alternative resource to help improve literacy levels as well as assist in engaging those school pupils that are hard to reach.

Uniform & Kit

Partington Central Academy helped provide students with school sweatshirts, polo shirts, book bags, planners, PE kit and bags. All new Pupil Premium entrants are offered free uniform on enrolment.

FOR THE PREVIOUS YEAR: the impact PP spend had on pupils

Pupil Premium gaps (end of 2015-2016):

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