School Meals

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At Partington Central Academy children are offered appealing and balanced meals. Children are allowed to choose from a range of main courses, which always include a meat or fish dish, a vegetarian option and salads and there is always an option of jacket potatoes and sandwiches too. These are accompanied by a selection of yoghurts, fresh fruit or a choice from the desserts of the day. All the children are supervised whilst eating their lunch. There is a teacher on duty and a number of lunch time assistants on hand.

Payment for Dinners

School Meal Prices 2023

The price for school meals is remaining at £2.20. Dinners will need to be paid using MCAS. For more information please speak to the school office.

Payment for dinners should be weekly, usually on Monday and paid using MCAS.

Those eligible for free school meals should obtain application forms from the school office or you can download a copy – free-school-meals-application-form.

If parents wish then children may bring a packed lunch to school. Please provide a suitable lunchbox for this purpose. For our full policy of what you can/cannot bring in click our Healthy-snack-policy-PCA

Please note: No glass bottles, hot drinks or fizzy drinks are allowed. Sweets are not considered suitable as part of a lunch. If a spoon is needed please provide one.

Can we please ask parents to refrain from changing their children’s lunches mid term/mid week. Any changes should be made at the beginning of each term and reported to the Office please.



All children are offered a choice of free fruit each day. Foundation stage children are also offered a free carton of milk. KS1 and KS2 may purchase this if required.



Dinner Menu - September 2024

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